What does a vCIO really do?

What does a vCIO really do?

Being born from an MSP matters! Last week, the call went out in a peer group that our MSP belongs to: “Looking for a vCIO job description” That’s something we can answer!  Our MSP business has been working in this space for a few years, and...
Updates & Fixes : November 2022

Updates & Fixes : November 2022

GetKambium continues to make huge strides. If you haven’t logged in for a while, you’ll notice a number of changes.  Some are big and some are small.   Thank you for your feedback, it’s helped us shape and polish the platform.   Changes...
So many milestones!

So many milestones!

Milestones come from the Appian Way in Rome, which tells us two things: 1.  Milestones have been around for a while now 2. There was a time when there weren’t milestones I can’t imagine how people tracked anything before that.  That’s probably the...
Ready, Set, Go!!

Ready, Set, Go!!

Test launch done! Success! We’re away. Thank you to the team at ConnectWise and IT Nation in Australia.   The Gold Coast event was incredible for us. Clearly there are many MSPs that share common challenges Their sales engagement processes are manual, which...
Reframing our pitch

Reframing our pitch

Thank you!  Thank you to our subscribers for your feedback and help! We have these great ideas for helping MSPs transition into (real) CIOs for their clients – linking business goals to IT initiatives, leading organizations through digitization projects such as...